



Dokhtaran e Kabul _ Kabul Girls
Director: sayed Masood eSlami- Masooma Ibrahimi
From: Afghanistan
Year: 2020
Duration: 73 minutes
Screening - Saturday
Mursal a single mother, separated from her husband trying to have her son from him. She is an independent worker running a salon beauty for ladies with her assistant and roommate Zinat.
Zinat escaped from the village of her stepfather. When her stepfather searches for her in Kabul, she wants to find a way to escape in Europe.
Latifa is a university student, but she is busy working to arrange her life and supporting her single mother in the village. At the same time, she is in search of her father who left them when she was a child.
Suddenly arrives Nadia, an acquaintance of Mursal, escaped from her village to not be married as compensation to an old man.
All their tragedy comes to the surface when Nadia is not liked by other girls in the house, steals their money and escapes.
فیلم سنمایی دختران کابل داستان چهار دختر مجرد است که در کابل با هم زندگی می کنند. مرسل یک مادر مجرد است که از همسرش جدا شده و برای سرپرستی پسرش در آرایشگاه شخصی اش کار می کند. زینت شاگرد او است و از قریه گریخته است. شوهر مادرش قصد تجاوز به او را داشته است. اکنون زینت می خواهد راهی برای رفتن به اروپا پیدا کند. لطیفه برای تحصیل به کابل آمده است و قصد دارد در کابل پدرش را که سالها قبل آنها را ترک کرده است پیدا کند. نادیه نیز به بد داده شده اما قبل از ازدواج با یک پیرمرد از قریه گریخته و به شهر آمده است. مشکلات دختران زمانی به اوج می رسد که نادیه پول آنها را می دزدد.

Masood Eslami was born on 1983 in Mazar e Sharif province. He has attended in Asian film Academy in South Korea country 2014, and was filmmaking trainer in (Kabul- Mazar e Sharif- Qandahar- Herat- Bamiyan) in British Council project 2013-2015

Masood has made many short films, documentaries and TV series that screened and awarded in many national and international film festivals.

He has been Assistant Director in “between worlds” long fiction Germany film- 2014 and has worked as line producer in Swedish documentary film “Cinema Pamir”. Recently he has made “Kabul Girls” feature film too.

Maooma Ibrahimi was born in November 1983. She has participated in some filmmaking workshops such as Human Rights and Documentary filmmaking in Ireland- 2016 and British Council filmmaking workshop 2014-2015. She has made “In Circle”, “Arastoo” short films, and “Mother of This Land” documentary. Her films screen and awarded in some national and international film festival. Masooma has produced her first feature film by the name “Kabul Girls” in 2020.

مسعود اسلامی متولد ۱۹۸۳ ولایت مزار شریف است او در آکادمی فیلم کوریای جنوبی شرکت کرده و در ولایات مختلف افغانستان به عنوان استاد فیلم سازی فعالیت نموده است. مسعود فیلم های کوتاه و مستند بسیاری ساخته است که فیلم های وی در فستیوال های داخلی و خارجی بسیاری نمایش داده شده و جوایز متعددی را دریافت نموده است.

او به عنوان دستیار کارگردان در فیلم سینمایی آلمانی بین دو جهان فعالیت داشته و به عنوان مدیر تولید افغانستان در مستند سویدنی سینما پامیر همکاری نموده است.

مسعود اسلامی در سال ۲۰۲۰ فیلم سینمایی دختران کابل را کارگردانی نموده است.

معصومه ابراهیمی متولد ۱۳۶۲ ولایت دایکندی بوده و در دوره های آموزش فیلم سازی مانند کارگاه آموزش مستند و حقوق بشر ایرلند ۲۰۱۷ و برتیش کانسل در سال های ۲۰۱۴ و ۲۰۱۵ اشتراک نموده است. او دو فیلم کوتاه ارسطو و در چرخه را ساخته است و مستند مادران این دیار را کارگردانی نموده است. فیلم های او در برخی فستیوال های داخلی و خارج نمایش داده شده و جایزه دریافت نموده است. معصومه ابراهیمیی اولین فیلم بلند خود تحت عنوان دختران کابل را در سال ۲۰۲۰ به همراه مسعود اسلامی ساخته است





Protector | محافظ
Director: Abdul hamid mandgar
From: Afghanistan
Year: 2021
Duration: 1 min
Screening - Saturday | Mercury cinema
Anyone who crosses an alley eats his head with an iron at the beginning of the alley. The boy realizes this problem.
Abdul hamid Mandgar Afghan filmmaker He directed 7 short film all of his film about women and children in Afghanistan he award winning from national and international film festival.

عبدالحمید ماندگار فیلمساز افغان است که تا هنوز بیش از ۷ فیلم کوتاه را ساخته است و اکثر فیلم های او درباره زن و کودک در افغانستان میباشد و او برنده چندین جایزه ملی و بین اللملی میباشد.


Here is Afghanistan | اینجا افغانستان است



Director: Khadim Hussain Byhnam
From: Afghanistan
Year: 2020
Duration: 3 minutes
Screening - Saturday, Mercury Cinema
Children honestly work together with their teammates as a family under one roof to play their children's games. It does not take a moment for a terrorist to come into the room and destroy all their ideas and aspirations, and by doing so, the minds of each of them are affected and leave a negative impression. In short; Terrorists in Afghanistan take the children's smiles hostage and instead record images of war and bloodshed on the minds of each of them in order to spread their savagery.
Khadim Hussain Byhnam studied cinema in Kabul university. Till now he has been making several short film in subject of children in his artistic career, which has won many national and international awards and letters of appreciation from major international festivals prizes such as Algeria Digital Gate, Indian KIIFFA, Turkish Brotherhood, Nominated German films, London Amo Media, Didor Thajikistan, Australian Ggan, BBC Aparat, California Women and awards at major national festivals such as Herat Women, Human Rights, Mehregan, New Look and Afghan Animation. is the author or co-writer of the screenplay of all the films he has directed, most of his works are a combination of bitter comedy with child and women themes.




Producer/Director: Robyn Hughan
Producer/Camera: Steve Warne
From: Australia
Year: 2018
Duration: 99minutes
Screening - Monday Dec 6th
Filmed over 7 years, this is a story of love as much as a tale of persecution. Zahra and her family are refugees searching for re-settlement. Her parents, both orphans in Afghanistan, fled to Iran to continue their forbidden love for each other where Zahra and her two sisters are born. Here, they suffer persecution and witness severe brutality towards Afghan refugees. The children are not permitted to attend school and the family is in constant fear of being deported to Afghanistan.
After 12 years, they escape to Malaysia where they register as UN refugees and await re- settlement. In Kuala Lumpur, Zahra has the opportunity to attend a community school where she learns English and becomes a teacher. However, at 14, she is forced to begin work seven days a week to provide for her family. She is exploited in the workplace and her employer threatens to report her to the immigration police when she demands her wages.
Severely traumatised, her hair falls out from stress as she loses hope of being re-settled to another country. Her dream of receiving an education and becoming a doctor is crushed, leading to a suicide attempt. Luckily this attempt is thwarted by her father, preventing her from jumping from the top of their apartment building, just in the nick of time!
And how fortunate not to have boarded the boat bound for Australia the night the smuggler came to their house, promising ‘a good boat’, which claimed the life of the entire family they were living with. Zahra remains visibly upset by the loss of this family whom she loved so much.
Finally, after seven years of uncertainty and desperation, Zahra’s family receives word that they are going to Australia as part of the UN re-settlement program. They are overwhelmed with happiness. In Australia, the family blossoms and Zahra’s dream of attending a proper school and subsequently receiving a scholarship to university becomes a reality.
Journey Beyond Fear is an emotional rollercoaster taking us from despair to joy through hope, humour and love. A character driven film, featuring three magnetic daughters, it focuses on the experience of those who join the queue as opposed to those who ‘jump the queue’, making it clear that this is no easy option. It shatters prevailing stereotypes and highlights that becoming part of Australian society without losing one’s cultural identity is achievable. Further to this, Journey Beyond Fear draws attention to the fact that only 1% of refugees registered with the UN are ever resettled.
The film has been made with deep passion and commitment to the subject matter, the narrative is lyrical and the visuals are strong, speaking volumes about the family’s situation. The music for the film is written and performed by Alyce Platt whose recent sold-out Melbourne Cabaret Festival show received rave reviews. Her original songs are suitably heartfelt, providing a strong backdrop which emotionally resonates throughout.
Robyn Hughan



Experienced in many areas of film but now specialising in refugee stories, Robyn was the Researcher/Producers Attachment for the SBS series, Tales from A Suitcase: The Afghan Experience, 2001. Since then she has independently made and worked on a number of refugee and human rights films including her award winning one hour documentary, A Nun’s New Habit, which gives a personal insight into a Nun who advocates for refugees in the Baxter detention after their arrival in Australia (LinkTV, USA, 2009), Crimes of the Heart an innovative short film to generate awareness and expose the horrors of child sexual abuse (2004) and Poetry of Omagh, celebrating the Afghan/Hazara community (Human Rights Arts Film Festival 2015.) 

She has been personally involved in the Afghan/Hazara community for many years receiving an award from Australian Hazara Women’s Friendship Network, “In appreciation for ongoing support for our community”


Robyn has shown great stamina in finishing Journey Beyond Fear. This is her first feature documentary which certainly has had its challenges, given the location and very low budget. However, the joy of having the family arrive safely in Australia has made it all worthwhile!


Steve Warne



Steve purchased the camera for Journey Beyond Fear and often shot footage when on location with Robyn. His previous experience as Film Victoria’s Documentary Manager and prior work as a Researcher/Producer/Director with 4 Corners (ABC), Dateline (SBS) and indies, such as Don Featherstone and Living Pictures Productions, has been invaluable to the film. So has his work as Director of Production at Warner Interactive Entertainment, in Paris and his facilitation of community-based documentaries for Multicultural Arts Victoria, such as Destination Shepparton and Sikh’s in Shep. Steve’s experience as a Mentor/Director for short documentaries, like Cowboy in Cambodia with Filmmaker Abroad and his running of documentary master classes in Bangladesh, Indonesia and Malaysia have helped pave the way for this project.




BOARS - گرازها



From: Iran
Year: 2020
Duration: 15 minutes
Screening - Sunday Dec 6th
A man has married to a widow whose late husband had died outside the country.
But afterwards villagers tell him the guy is not dead and is back...
Now three of them found themselves in dilemma
غلامرضا جعفری متولد 1363 در ایران

ساخت 5 فیلم کوتاه داستانی

ساخت 2مستند کوتاه

ساخت یک فیلم بلند سنمایی

اجرای 3 نمایش تاتر


official selection of 38 the FAJR INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL

OFFICIAL SELECTION OF Sofia Menar Film Festival

OFFICIAL SELECTION OF Moscow Indie Film Festival

OFFICIAL SELECTION OF Versi di Luce film festival

OFFICIAL SELECTION OF international short film festival of cyprus

OFFICIAL SELECTION OF Religion Today Film Festival


پشيماني| Regret

Director: Abdul wakeel amarkhail
From: Istanbul turkeY
Year: 2020
Duration: 10 minutes
Screening - Monday Dec 6th


This short film is Based on importance of girls in the family, and those parents who think daugHters are bad luck for them and their life. CLICK FOR MORE
عبدالوكيل امرخيل فلمساز افغان متولد كابل ميباشد كه بيش از صد ميوزيك ويديو چهار فلم مستند يك فلم كوتاه و يك فلم هنري ساخته است




Dokhtaran e Kabul _ Kabul Girls
Director: sayed Masood eSlami- Masooma Ibrahimi
From: Afghanistan
Year: 2020
Duration: 73 minutes
Screening - Saturday
Mursal a single mother, separated from her husband trying to have her son from him. She is an independent worker running a salon beauty for ladies with her assistant and roommate Zinat.
Zinat escaped from the village of her stepfather. When her stepfather searches for her in Kabul, she wants to find a way to escape in Europe.
Latifa is a university student, but she is busy working to arrange her life and supporting her single mother in the village. At the same time, she is in search of her father who left them when she was a child.
Suddenly arrives Nadia, an acquaintance of Mursal, escaped from her village to not be married as compensation to an old man.
All their tragedy comes to the surface when Nadia is not liked by other girls in the house, steals their money and escapes.
فیلم سنمایی دختران کابل داستان چهار دختر مجرد است که در کابل با هم زندگی می کنند. مرسل یک مادر مجرد است که از همسرش جدا شده و برای سرپرستی پسرش در آرایشگاه شخصی اش کار می کند. زینت شاگرد او است و از قریه گریخته است. شوهر مادرش قصد تجاوز به او را داشته است. اکنون زینت می خواهد راهی برای رفتن به اروپا پیدا کند. لطیفه برای تحصیل به کابل آمده است و قصد دارد در کابل پدرش را که سالها قبل آنها را ترک کرده است پیدا کند. نادیه نیز به بد داده شده اما قبل از ازدواج با یک پیرمرد از قریه گریخته و به شهر آمده است. مشکلات دختران زمانی به اوج می رسد که نادیه پول آنها را می دزدد.

Masood Eslami was born on 1983 in Mazar e Sharif province. He has attended in Asian film Academy in South Korea country 2014, and was filmmaking trainer in (Kabul- Mazar e Sharif- Qandahar- Herat- Bamiyan) in British Council project 2013-2015

Masood has made many short films, documentaries and TV series that screened and awarded in many national and international film festivals.

He has been Assistant Director in “between worlds” long fiction Germany film- 2014 and has worked as line producer in Swedish documentary film “Cinema Pamir”. Recently he has made “Kabul Girls” feature film too.

Maooma Ibrahimi was born in November 1983. She has participated in some filmmaking workshops such as Human Rights and Documentary filmmaking in Ireland- 2016 and British Council filmmaking workshop 2014-2015. She has made “In Circle”, “Arastoo” short films, and “Mother of This Land” documentary. Her films screen and awarded in some national and international film festival. Masooma has produced her first feature film by the name “Kabul Girls” in 2020.

مسعود اسلامی متولد ۱۹۸۳ ولایت مزار شریف است او در آکادمی فیلم کوریای جنوبی شرکت کرده و در ولایات مختلف افغانستان به عنوان استاد فیلم سازی فعالیت نموده است. مسعود فیلم های کوتاه و مستند بسیاری ساخته است که فیلم های وی در فستیوال های داخلی و خارجی بسیاری نمایش داده شده و جوایز متعددی را دریافت نموده است.

او به عنوان دستیار کارگردان در فیلم سینمایی آلمانی بین دو جهان فعالیت داشته و به عنوان مدیر تولید افغانستان در مستند سویدنی سینما پامیر همکاری نموده است.

مسعود اسلامی در سال ۲۰۲۰ فیلم سینمایی دختران کابل را کارگردانی نموده است.

معصومه ابراهیمی متولد ۱۳۶۲ ولایت دایکندی بوده و در دوره های آموزش فیلم سازی مانند کارگاه آموزش مستند و حقوق بشر ایرلند ۲۰۱۷ و برتیش کانسل در سال های ۲۰۱۴ و ۲۰۱۵ اشتراک نموده است. او دو فیلم کوتاه ارسطو و در چرخه را ساخته است و مستند مادران این دیار را کارگردانی نموده است. فیلم های او در برخی فستیوال های داخلی و خارج نمایش داده شده و جایزه دریافت نموده است. معصومه ابراهیمیی اولین فیلم بلند خود تحت عنوان دختران کابل را در سال ۲۰۲۰ به همراه مسعود اسلامی ساخته است